11 October 2018

Data localisation: Analysing a growing global regulatory phenomenon


Data localisation is an umbrella term for various legislative measures with the common characteristic of encumbering cross-border data transfers. Proposals of this sort are not historically unprecedented. In recent years, however, the number of localisation measures has greatly increased. Until the year 2000 only 15 measures of this kind had been imposed anywhere. By 2008, the number of such measures had doubled, and it more than doubled again by 2016. As data transforms into an object for governments all around the world to pursue, localisation is a regulatory phenomenon that follows inevitably.

In this panel, we will explore the phenomenon of localisation across the globe, paying special attention to legislative developments in the EU and US. In the EU, personal data regulations are the most well-known example of data localisation. That said, these regulations present just a fraction of all data localisation measures and, because of their human rights nature, may differ from localisation of financial, meteorological or satellite data. Thus, one important issue which the event will focus on are the factors that convert localisation into a desirable outcome of national or supranational policies.

The programme is now available.

Time: 16:45 – 18:30 followed by a cocktail reception

Venue: Lisbon Conference Room, Lower Ground Floor, Institue for European Studies, VUB, Pleinlaan 5, 1050 Brussels

Registration: The event is free to attend, but due to limited capacity, registration is required. Should you encounter difficulties with the online registration, please contact info@brusselsprivacyhub.eu

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